Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cancer destroying device?

Cancer's worst enemy.

So here's another radiation blasting device used for cancer. There's just less risk of becoming even more screwed up. The future is here and it's looking quite amazing how cancer treatment goes from chemotherapy appointments to supposedly one treatment which only takes 15 minutes!


  1. Ive got a family member that died of cancer, if only some way they would speed up this device. ;_;

  2. That's a shame. I don't see why this wasn't developed sooner though to be honest. There seems to be much more advanced technology than this such as the military's "heat ray".

  3. Ironic if the radiation cures one cancer and gives you another..

  4. Interesting, as long as it doesn't go all I Am Legend on us and make a bunch of vampires.

  5. has it correct.
    it will cure cancer while giving you a more harmful cancer.

  6. I hope they perfect this technology. Nothin' better than getting rid of cancer with frickin' laser beams.

  7. Eventually laser beams will do just about everything.

  8. hahahahahahahahaha i couldnt stop laughing

  9. Good tip, but the way I win employers over is with my cover letter. My resume pretty much speaks for itself, since I was managing a cell phone store at the age of 18... they don't need to know i just sat around drinking though.

  10. never wow tgc but magic the gathering is awesome .
    I bet you played it before since it is most known tgc .
    What is the difference between Magic and Wow tgc's ?
